Paris Loft

For all three of you who have been wondering when I was going to post something next, here goes!

This is just a small sort of 'loft' scene that I'm 'placing' in Paris.  The skyline is Paris anyway.  One interesting thing about this is I just got done building the side table shown in the first image.  It's walnut and cherry.  A separate post about the construction of that, I think.

3dsMax + Vray as always plus some Photoshop.  I used GrowFX for the plant.  I modeled everything except the shoes and the lamp (which I did modified substantially) in Max from scratch.

This is the first scene where I've created nearly everything in the scene in Max without using others' models and also built up all my textures mostly from scratch (the carving I did with my tablet but the painting is not mine.)  I'm also a big believer in starting with an old texture (yours or someone else's) and subbing in new maps and settings.  The down side is time obviously but the upside is it's yours, all yours!

Anyway, enjoy!

EDIT:  Tweaked the first render a bit.  Changed lighting to HDR only, took away VRay sun.